Crystal Castles on this TV show called SKINS
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CC gots BEEF
with VEGA
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Something of a scandal has been developing the past two days between new local electronic act Vega (aka Alan Palomo, formerly of Denton band Ghosthustler) and Crystal Castles.

After a successful show together at La Zona Rosa this past Monday (pics via Ultra8201), controversy broke up a scheduled show last night at the Granada Theater in Dallas. According to GvsB, Vega were ousted as openers shortly before the show began, due partly to accusations from CC’s camp of guitar-pedal theft, a crime denied by Vega’s Palomo. Then after installing a last-minute opener (apparently a local Dallas DJ), CC found the sound system arrangements not to their liking, and cancelled the show last-minute at 10pm.

Today word came from CC (again via GvsB):

“a) Vegas (sic) were not kicked off for “petty bullshit”, if Vegas want to try to create an internet meme out of this that’s fine, whatever.

b) CC obviously did not want to leave 1000+ people hanging outside. The people at Granada pulled the plug on CC during CC’s soundcheck, claiming they feared CC would “blow the soundsystem.” The people at Granada tried to rent (at the last minute) proper speakers that would not “blow” for the show but it just couldn’t happen on short notice. At one point they thought they had found professional speakers but 2 hours later this fell through and the decision was made that the show could not happen. Also of note, a DJ had blown their speakers a few weeks ago and they did not want this to happen again. They said they couldn’t afford to repair the speakers again. It would be nice if you knew the truth and were fair to the band since this wasn’t their fault. The blame goes to whoever booked this band at this ill-equipped venue.