That was UN-COOL!

Heath Kirchart

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does not get any better than this!

Putoface of the day

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one of my favorite ones.
Steve Buscemi
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Summer 2010

Mister son of a beach!Let play some cards!



Number one douche bag bully!
from the 80's
William Zabka!!!!!!!
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DEVO 82 on Letterman

Electric Gigolo

must check out.
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Suffragette City

Master of the Universe

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(Subtítulado en español)

I don't Believe in a Warranty

All this because of one key.
It was a bit dusty.My M-Audio axiom 25.
I went to a graphic school.
when I really should have gone to ITT tech.
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Neon Navajo

pictures//music//fans don't lie.
these fucks are rad.
consist of 3 putos
havent seen them in person but you should catch them soon!!!!!
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super fast energy kick you in the face shitz!!
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copy this link to grab this free album.
"An Iroquois Isn't A Toy."
heres a sample track player.
courtesy of my putoself face.

DW design work .

got to check this out.
try and not like this.
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Thats some burnt toast!

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Shut the fuck up Murphy!

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GrimeTime909 all the time!!!!!!!!

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Neon Indian Tv Debut review

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So Neon Indian tv debut was pretty sick dudes.
Had an indie underground feel to it.
Seeing those synths gave it a retro 80's new order/prince and the revolution feeling.
yeah he wasan't using the synth so much but he was working all those pedals though by hand.
its that ghetto underground thing i was talking about.
you know, when you go to those shows and don't know whos playing but
it sounds super dope and when you go up to see them your like "what the fuck!.
how are they doing that?"
those are the best types of shows.
Alan Palomo is a hell of a composer other projects include Vega and Ghosthustler
and Ronald Gierhart was ripp'n it on guitar.
I enjoyed it.
Even before the show really started Jimmy was hyping it up.he did them justice
I was excited to watch this.even though the show sucked.

On last night's Late Night Neon Indian performed a mini medley of "Terminally Chill" and "Ephemeral Artery"
from their debut album Psychic Chasms.
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check the video

It was better than that JUSTICE hype debut on Jimmy Kimmel.
that shit was crap.!!!.


kitty from Richie Velazquez on Vimeo.



If you don't know now you know,NIGGA!!!!!!!!!!!
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Neon Indian-Deadbeat Summer


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Let me introduce myself

Im Desolate(de so let)I make graphics and produce music.
I put this blog together to post ramdomness funny crap,
interesting poop,stuff I notice and wanna put out.
I hope you find this blog enjoyable and usefull.

thank you

Tosh.O brought it back ha DenNY BLAZE

NIGGA GOT Pantsed On Subway

Lizard King

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fuck man have you seen that transworld cover oh jesus fuck!!!
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Mister Thomas



geto boys in your face!!!!!!!!!!
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