Neon Indian Tv Debut review

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So Neon Indian tv debut was pretty sick dudes.
Had an indie underground feel to it.
Seeing those synths gave it a retro 80's new order/prince and the revolution feeling.
yeah he wasan't using the synth so much but he was working all those pedals though by hand.
its that ghetto underground thing i was talking about.
you know, when you go to those shows and don't know whos playing but
it sounds super dope and when you go up to see them your like "what the fuck!.
how are they doing that?"
those are the best types of shows.
Alan Palomo is a hell of a composer other projects include Vega and Ghosthustler
and Ronald Gierhart was ripp'n it on guitar.
I enjoyed it.
Even before the show really started Jimmy was hyping it up.he did them justice
I was excited to watch this.even though the show sucked.

On last night's Late Night Neon Indian performed a mini medley of "Terminally Chill" and "Ephemeral Artery"
from their debut album Psychic Chasms.
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check the video

It was better than that JUSTICE hype debut on Jimmy Kimmel.
that shit was crap.!!!.